Python Data Access Fundamentals

Hi friends, in an older article, we have talked about how you can connect to SQL Server databases from a Python program. In this article, we will be discussing about the Python Data Access fundamentals, that is how you can connect to different databases from within your Python code.

In general, Python provides the capability to connecting to multiple database types. Therefore, via your Python code, you are able to connect to both SQL and No-SQL databases.

Great! Let’s discuss about some of the major databases you can connect to via a Python program.


High-Level Process for Connecting to Databases Using Python Libraries

The high-level process for connecting to SQL Server from Python using the different libraries (i.e. pyodbc, cx_Oracle, psycopg2) is the following:

  1. Download and install the library for your platform
  2. Import the library in your code using the “import” command
  3. Open a connection to the database
  4. Perform the SQL query using a cursor
  5. Get the results
  6. Close the cursor and connection

As a best practice, you should always wrap your data access code, within try…except…finally code blocks, in order to apply exception handling.


Connecting to SQL Server Databases from Python

As we have already discussed in an older article, you can connect to SQL Server using the pyodbc module. The pyodbc module, is an open-source Python module that provides access to ODBC databases. That means that along with pyodbc, you will also need to use the respective SQL Server odbc driver. Using pyodbc, you can use it to connect to SQL Server, execute SQL queries, and retrieve the results.

Here’s a basic code example on how you can connect to SQL Server via Python:

# Import the pyodbc library
import pyodbc


   # Connect to the database - Trusted connection to Named Instance
   conn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER=Instance_Name_Goes_Here;DATABASE=Database_Name_Goes_Here;Trusted_Connection=yes;')

   # Create cursor

   # Execute SQL query
   cursor.execute("SELECT id, code, descr FROM table_name_goes_here")
   # Iterate over the retrieved record set and print each row 
   while 1:
       row = cursor.fetchone()
       if not row:

# Print exception error (if applicable)
except (Exception, pyodbc.Error) as error:
   print("Error occurred: ", error)

   if conn:
      # Close cursor

      # Close connection


Connecting to Oracle Databases from Python

If you want to connect to Oracle databases and run queries via your Python program, you can use the cx_Oracle library. This data access library, provides a Python interface to the Oracle Call Interface (OCI), and allows you among other, to execute SQL statements and retrieve data from Oracle databases.

After downloading and installing the library for your platform/environment, see below a basic code example on how you can connect to Oracle via Python:

# Import the cx_Oracle library
import cx_Oracle


   # Connect to the database
   conn = cx_Oracle.connect("user", "password", "host:port/service_name")

   # Create cursor
   cursor = conn.cursor()

   # Execute SQL query
   cursor.execute("SELECT id, code, descr FROM table_name_goes_here")

   # Retrieve the results
   results = cursor.fetchall()

   # Iterate over the retrieved record set and print each row  
   for row in results:
       print("id: ", row[0]) 
       print("code: ", row[1]) 
       print("descr: ", row[2])

# Print exception error (if applicable)
except (Exception, cx_Oracle.Error) as error: 
   print("Error occurred: ", error)

   if conn:
      # Close cursor

      # Close connection


Connecting to PostgreSQL Databases from Python

In order to connect to PostgreSQL databases from Python, you can use the psycopg2 library.

After downloading and installing the library for your platform/environment, see below a basic code example on how you can connect to PostgreSQL:

# Import the psycopg2 library
import psycopg2


   # Connect to the database
   conn = psycopg2.connect(

   # Create cursor
   cursor = conn.cursor()

   # Execute SQL query
   cursor.execute("SELECT id, code, descr FROM table_name_goes_here")

   # Retrieve the results
   allRecords = cursor.fetchall()

   # Iterate over the retrieved record set and print each row  
   for row in allRecords:
       print("id: ", row[0], )
       print("code: ", row[1])
       print("descr: ", row[2])

# Print exception error (if applicable)
except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error:
   print("Error occurred: ", error)

   if conn:
       # Close cursor     

       # Close connection


Connecting to MySQL Databases from Python

In order to connect to MySQL databases from Python, you can use the PyMySQL library.

After downloading and installing the library for your platform/environment, see below a basic code example on how you can use it to connect to MySQL:

# Import the pymysql library
import pymysql


   # Connect to the database
   conn = pymysql.connect(

   # Create cursor
   cursor = conn.cursor()

   # Execute SQL query
   cursor.execute("SELECT id, code, descr FROM table_name_goes_here")

   # Retrieve the results
   allRecords = cursor.fetchall()

   # Iterate over the retrieved record set and print each row  
   for row in allRecords:
       print("id: ", row[0], )
       print("code: ", row[1])
       print("descr: ", row[2])

# Print exception error (if applicable)
except (Exception, pymysql.Error) as error:
   print("Error occurred: ", error)

   if conn:
       # Close cursor     

       # Close connection


Connecting to SQLite Databases from Python

In the above examples, we have seen how we can connect to different relational database management systems (RDBMs).

In this section of the article, we’ll see how we can connect to SQLite from Python.

SQLite is a lightweight file-based database engine, that is commonly used in small and medium-scale applications.

In order to connect to SQLite databases from Python, you can use the “sqlite3” module which is built-in to Python. Therefore, no need to download anything.

Below a basic code example on how you can connect to an SQLite database:

# Import the sqlite3 library
import sqlite3


   # Connect to the database file
   conn = sqlite3.connect('database_file.db')

   # Create cursor
   cursor = conn.cursor()

   # Execute SQL query
   cursor.execute("SELECT id, code, descr FROM table_name_goes_here")

   # Retrieve the results
   allRecords = cursor.fetchall()

   # Iterate over the retrieved record set and print each row  
   for row in allRecords:
       print("id: ", row[0], )
       print("code: ", row[1])
       print("descr: ", row[2])

# Print exception error (if applicable)
   print("An error occurred.")

   if conn:
       # Close cursor     

       # Close connection


Connecting to NoSQL Databases from Python

In addition to all the above database types, from within Python, you can also connect to different NoSQL databases.

We have discussed about NoSQL databases in an older article. As mentioned in that article, Non-Relational Databases which are also known as “NoSQL databases”, are database systems that do not use the tabular schema of rows and columns which is usually used in Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMSs).

Below, you can find some examples of NoSQL databases and information about the libraries that can be used for connecting to these databases:


Frequently Asked Questions

Below, I have included some frequently asked questions on the topic thus providing more information.

Can you provide examples of specific scenarios where wrapping data access code within try…except…finally blocks would be beneficial, and how does it improve the robustness of Python programs?

Wrapping data access code within try…except…finally blocks is beneficial for handling potential exceptions that may occur during database operations. For example, if there is a network issue or a database server outage, an exception may be raised while attempting to establish a connection or execute a query. Using try…except…finally blocks allows developers to catch these exceptions gracefully, handle them appropriately (e.g., logging errors or providing user feedback), and ensure that necessary cleanup actions, such as closing database connections, are performed regardless of whether an exception occurs. This improves the robustness of Python programs by preventing unhandled exceptions from crashing the application and ensuring that resources are properly managed.


For the high-level process outlined for connecting to databases using Python libraries, what are some best practices for handling authentication and security credentials securely within the code?

Handling authentication and security credentials securely is essential when connecting to databases from Python programs. One best practice is to avoid hardcoding sensitive information, such as usernames and passwords, directly into the source code. Instead, developers should consider using environment variables, configuration files, or secure credential management solutions to store and retrieve these credentials at runtime. Additionally, it’s important to follow secure coding practices, such as encrypting sensitive data and limiting access permissions to database resources, to minimize the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches.


The article discusses connecting to relational databases like SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite. Are there any differences in performance or features between using Python libraries to connect to these different types of databases?

Yes, there can be differences in performance and features when using Python libraries to connect to different types of relational databases. While most libraries provide similar functionality for basic database operations like executing queries and fetching results, there may be variations in the level of support for advanced features, such as transaction management, stored procedures, and database-specific optimizations. Additionally, the underlying architecture and performance characteristics of each database system can impact the efficiency and scalability of Python applications that interact with them. Developers should consider these factors when selecting a database and choosing the appropriate Python library for their project.


While the article briefly mentions NoSQL databases and provides examples of libraries for MongoDB, Apache CouchDB, and Apache Cassandra, it doesn’t elaborate on how Python developers can leverage these databases in their projects. Can you provide more insights into the advantages of using NoSQL databases and the specific use cases where they might be preferred over relational databases?

NoSQL databases offer several advantages over traditional relational databases, including flexible schema design, horizontal scalability, and better support for handling unstructured or semi-structured data. These features make NoSQL databases well-suited for use cases such as real-time analytics, content management systems, and applications with rapidly evolving data requirements. Python developers can leverage NoSQL databases by using specialized libraries, like pymongo for MongoDB or pycouchdb for Apache CouchDB, to interact with these databases programmatically. By embracing NoSQL technologies, developers can build more agile and scalable applications that can adapt to changing business needs and handle large volumes of data more efficiently than relational databases.


Are there any common challenges or pitfalls that developers might encounter when working with Python libraries to connect to databases, and how can they be mitigated or resolved effectively?

Yes, developers may encounter several challenges when working with Python libraries to connect to databases. These challenges can include compatibility issues with different database versions or drivers, performance bottlenecks when executing complex queries or processing large result sets, and handling concurrency and thread safety in multi-user environments. To mitigate these challenges, developers should thoroughly test their database interactions across various scenarios and configurations, use connection pooling and caching techniques to improve performance and scalability, and follow best practices for error handling and resource management. Additionally, staying informed about updates and patches released by library maintainers and actively participating in the developer community can help developers address emerging issues and optimize their database access code for reliability and efficiency.


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