Screencast: How to Create an Entity Data Model

Welcome to my first screencast dedicate to SQL Server 2008 Programmability!

This screencast features the ADO .NET Entity Framework; a new feature of Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 providing the developer with fast, robust and scalable data access. SQL Server 2008 fully supports the ADO .NET Entity Framework, allowing developers to effortlessly create entity data models in Visual Studio 2008 applications.

Enroll to the course on Udemy “Entity Framework: Getting Started – Complete Beginners Guide”!

In this course, you will learn all about Entity Framework, what it is, how it works, what are its available workflows and their pros and cons. Also, via comprehensive live demonstrations, we will build many apps using Visual Studio with C# and Entity Framework.

Entity Framework: Getting Started (Ultimate Beginners Guide) - Online course
(Lifetime Access, Live Demos, Certificate of Completion)

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Watch the screencast here!

This screencast demonstrates how the developer can create an entity data model in Visual Studio 2008 and mapping it to a SQL Server 2008 Database:

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Watch also: What is Entity Framework and what are its Benefits?


Watch also: Entity Framework: Getting Started – Complete Beginners Guide (Course Preview)

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