Learn Azure SQL Database: Creating your First Database

Microsoft Azure SQL Database is a fully managed cloud database service, provided as part of Microsoft Azure. That means, that via the Microsoft Azure Portal, among other, you can easily create database servers, and thus host your databases. Moreover, you can still continue to use the same SQL tools you used for on-premises SQL Server … Read more…

Built-In JSON Support in SQL Server and Azure SQL Database

In this article, we will discussing about built-in JSON support in SQL Server and Azure SQL Database.   What is JSON? JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation and it is widely used for data representation in the data services world. With built-In JSON support in SQL Server and Azure SQL Database, you can format query … Read more…

Accessing SQL Azure Using ADO.NET

In my first post on SQL Azure (SQL Azure: A First Contact) I talked about how you can access SQL Azure using SQL Server 2008 Management Studio (SSMS). In this post, the journey continues with “walking” on the cloud using ADO .NET 🙂 Here’s the recipe!   Ingredients: A valid SQL Azure account Visual Studio … Read more…