Handling Disk Space Issues During Heavy Index Rebuild Operations

There are times where you need to massively rebuild indexes on some really large databases, after indicated by the relevant analysis of course. However, rebuilding indexes, requires also the adequate amount of free disk space that will be used during the rebuild operation (mainly for the sorting process). Usually the required space is the size of … Read more…

[Webcast] SQL Server 2012: The Database Engine

– Celebrating 250.000+ Visits! – SQL Server 2012 shipped with a plethora of useful new features. In this webcast we will see the majority of the Database Engine features. To this end, we are going to see enhancements that fall into the following SQL Server areas: High Availability Manageability Enhancements Programmability Performance & Scalability Security … Read more…

[Celebrating 250.000 Visits!] Q&A Session on SQL Server

– Celebrating 250.000+ Visits! – As promised a few days ago, the celebrations for the 250.000+ visits on my blog continue with the Q&A Session on SQL Server! You can submit your SQL Server-related questions using this form. I will be accepting questions until October 24, 2012. After the submission is over, I will categorize all … Read more…

[Celebrating 250.000 Visits!] SQL Server 2012 – The Database Engine [TRAILER]

– Celebrating 250.000+ Visits! – Within the context of celebrating the 250.000+ visits on my blog, on Wednesday, October 17th, 2012, I will make available my brand new webcast on SQL Server 2012 focusing on its Database Engine features. In order to spread the news about the webcast this time I thought of doing something … Read more…

Celebrating 250.000 Visits!

Today, my blog has reached the 250.000 visits. That’s 1/4 of a million! 🙂 I started this blog four years ago with a simple purpose: Share knowledge with the Community. Be a part of the Community. Four years later I must say that I have received more than what I gave. The interaction with you, … Read more…

Getting the Disk Usage Statistics for all Tables in a Database

I know, there are standard reports and other GUI tools for doing this task for SQL Server 2005 or later but what about when you need to extract such information from a SQL Server 2000 instance or when you just want to write some code? 🙂   Get the disk usage statistics using the undocumented … Read more…

Sequence Objects in SQL Server 2012 and Later

In this article, we will be discussing about Sequence objects in SQL Server 2012 and later, and see a relevant example. In an older article on our blog, we wrote on how someone can mimic the operation of Sequence Objects using other alternative ways. However, since SQL Server 2012 and later, Sequence Objects are available … Read more…

Microsoft SQL Server MVP for the fourth year in a row!

Yep, it’s that time of the year again! Waiting for that magic email saying: Dear Artemakis Artemiou, Congratulations! We are pleased to present you with the 2012 Microsoft® MVP Award! This award is given to exceptional technical community leaders who actively share their high quality, real world expertise with others. We appreciate your outstanding contributions … Read more…

Retrieving Log Space Information within a SQL Server Instance – The Stored Procedure!

In yesterday’s post, we saw how we can retrieve log space information for all the databases within a SQL Server instance using the command DBCC sqlperf(logspace).   Creating the Stored Procedure Today we will refine the process even more by creating a stored procedure that returns log space information for a given database! –****************************** –CREATING … Read more…

Retrieving Log Space Information within a SQL Server Instance

In the everyday life of a Database Administrator there is the task of maintaining the database logs in terms of size they occupy on the disk. Of course, there are automated maintenance and reporting procedures for this task as well as for many other tasks but it is not few the cases where the DBA needs to … Read more…

How to retrieve size information for all the tables in a SQL Server Database

In an older post, we have discussed about, how you could rebuild all the indexes of a database in SQL Server by making use of the undocumented stored procedure “sp_MSforeachtable”.   Retrieving Table Size Info using sp_MSforeachtable Another common task is when you want to retrieve size information for all the tables in a database. … Read more…

Selected Tweets of Year 2011!

With just a few hours remaining for entering the new year 2012, I could do nothing else than preparing this blog post! In the end of every year, I gather up all my tweets for that year and post it here! It is a privilege to communicate with the SQL Server Community via all possible … Read more…

Useful T-SQL Knowledge for SQL Developers and DBAs

In this article, I present useful T-SQL knowledge for SQL Developers and DBAs. A few days ago I started writing an article that it would provide a set of useful tips on SQL Server topics that are met in the everyday life of DBA/Database Developer. The article is now completed and you can find it … Read more…

Retrieving Only the Date from a Datetime Value in SQL Server

This article discusses about retrieving only the date from a datetime value in SQL Server.   Why Converting Datetime to Date? There are many times where you might need to only retrieve the date from a datetime value. For example, you may have today’s datetime (2011-10-10 20:30:28.230) and you want to only get the following … Read more…