An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail (SQL Server 2019)

This short tip is about how to handle the following error message, in case you get it when you install SQL Server 2019 RTM: An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail.

How to Resolve the Issue

There several things you can try for resolving the issue. Let’s talk about it.


What to Try First

What you can try for resolving the issue, is to copy the below msi files from the SQL Server 2019 installation media onto a temporary folder on a local drive on your machine (i.e. c:\temp).

  • <Mounted-ISO-Drive>\1033_ENU_LP\x64\Setup\x64
    • sqlncli
    • msoledbsql
    • msodbcsql

After you copy the above files, run each one of them and when prompted to select one of the “Modify”, “Repair” or “Delete” options, choose the “Modify” option (see below example for msodbcsql).

Then make sure that you chose all components to be installed on the local hard drive:

An error occurred for a dependency of the feature causing the setup process for the feature to fail (SQL Server 2019)

After you complete the installation of sqlncli, msoledbsql and msodbcsql, restart the computer and try again to install SQL Server 2019.

In my case, this worked like a charm!

However, if this did not work for you, read on to check some other things you can try for solving the issue.


Uninstall Old Versions of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

Another thing you can try, is to uninstall any versions of SSMS that are older than v18.3.1, restart the computer and try again to install SQL Server 2019.


Uninstall SQL Server 2012 Native Client

Something else you can try, in case the previous tips did not help, is to uninstall Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Native Client, restart the computer and try again to install SQL Server 2019.


A Last Thing to Try

If none of the above helped, one last thing you can try, is to copy all files from the installation media (i.e. from the mounted ISO file) to a temporary folder on your computer’s local drive. Then, launch SQL Server 2019 installation from your local drive and try again to install it.


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