Resolving the Error Message: Rule “KB2919355 Installation” failed

If you are trying to install SQL Server 2016 on Windows Server 2012 R2, under certain circumstances, you might get the below error message: Rule “KB2919355 Installation” failed.  Read the article below, in order to get useful suggestions on how you can overcome such issue.


The Error Message

The below, is the exact error message you get:

KB2919355 Check Failed. If you have installed KB2919355, please make sure you have restarted your machine. For more information, you can visit

Rule "KB2919355 Installation" failed.


How to Resolve the Issue

The first logical thing to try is of course to install the reported set of patches under the name “KB2919355”.

However, when you try to install the above patch, you might get an error message as well, just like the below:

“This update is not applicable for you computer”

So, what do you do?

A possible reason for not being able to install the patch, is that it is missing another prerequisite patch: KB2919442

I know, all this prerequisites thing can be a little bit annoying sometimes but what else can we do? 🙂

So, in order to overcome the issue and be able to install SQL Server 2016 on your Windows Server 2012 R2, you can try first the below set of actions:

Step 1: Install patch KB2919442

Step 2: Install patch KB2919355.

Note that KB2919355 is not a single patch but a package of KBs which, as provided in Microsoft’s instructions, need to be installed in the following order:

– clearcompressionflag.exe
– KB2919355
– KB2932046
– KB2959977
– KB2937592
– KB2938439
– KB2934018

Note about Step 2: Almost each one of the patches will require to reboot the computer after installation. Prior to each reboot, first make sure that you don’t have any applications open or any unsaved work.

Step 3: Try again to install SQL Server

After following the above steps, you can try again to install SQL Server. Hopefully, you will manage to successfully perform the installation.


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A Word About Windows and SQL Server Updates

It is critical that you regularly check, properly test and if all OK, install Windows updates (not just security updates or critical updates) and SQL Server service packs and cumulative updates on your database servers. Don’t leave your servers unpatched, as this can create different issues, for which you may find yourself struggling to find the root cause for an unexpected issue for days, if not even for weeks. Regarding the latest SQL Server patching info, please check our free online service “SQL Server Service Pack and Cumulative Update Info (free service)


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Related Error Messages and ways to Resolve them:


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