What are SQL Server Machine Learning Services?

In a previous article, we have discussed about what Machine Learning is and saw some of its applications. Today, we continue this series of articles, dedicated to Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI), by discussing what SQL Server Machine Learning Services are, and how you can use them, for efficiently implementing high-quality Data … Read more…

What is Machine Learning?

What is Machine Learning? Why nowadays everyone talks about it? Can it help mankind solve complex problems? All the above, are some questions that come to our minds when we hear the term “Machine Learning”. In one of previous articles, I explained what Data Science is. In this article, we will talk about Machine Learning, … Read more…

What is Data Science?

Data Science is one of the hottest topics in Information Technology. Data Science, combined with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI), are already heavily used by many organizations, in order to analyze large sets of structured and unstructured data, also known as Big Data, and transform this data into knowledge and useful information. All that, … Read more…

Introduction to SQL Server Machine Learning Services (Course Preview)

Hi there! We have some great news to share! We have recently released our new online course titled “Introduction to SQL Server Machine Learning Services“. Data Science, Big Data, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, are the areas of technology that have been significantly evolved over the last few years. These technologies, are already heavily used … Read more…

How to Find the OS Version of your SQL Server Machine – Single vs Many Machines

Finding the Windows OS version of a single SQL Server machine is easy. There many ways you can do it. However, what about when you work with hundreds of SQL Server instances? How can you efficiently generate a report with the OS versions? This article discusses some of the methods you can use to find … Read more…

How to Connect to SQL Server from Visual C++

In this article, we are going to see, step by step, how we can connect to SQL Server from a Visual C++ program using an ODBC connection. Prior to start reading, if you are really interested in learning Programming, then you should definitely check my 6-hour online course, “Introduction to Computer Programming for Beginners“. My … Read more…

Installing SSIS on a SQL Server Failover Cluster Instance

This short post, discusses about installing SSIS on a SQL Server Failover Cluster Instance and how you can resolve the error message: The instance selected for installation is already installed and clustered on computer [ComputerName]. To continue, select a different instance to cluster.   Reproducing the Error Message If you have already deployed a SQL … Read more…

How to Resolve “The Parameter is Incorrect” Error when Adding New Disk Mount Point

Hi friends. Here’s a quick tip on Windows Clustering and Windows Disk Management and specifically on how to handle the error message “The parameter is incorrect” when working with disks and mount points. Why you get the “Parameter is Incorrect” Error Message Most probably, under certain circumstances, you get the above error message when attempting … Read more…

The OLE DB provider “SQLNCLI11” for linked server “…” supplied inconsistent metadata for a column… – How to Resolve

This post explains the error message you might get in SQL Server: The OLE DB provider “SQLNCLI11” for linked server “[…]” supplied inconsistent metadata for a column. The column “[…]” (compile-time ordinal 1) of object “[query…]” was reported to have a Incomplete schema-error logic. You might get the above error message, when you are trying … Read more…

How to Resolve “Property SpaceAvailabable is not available for Database ‘[tempdb]'”

Under certain circumstances, when working in SQL Server Management Studio, you might get the error message “Property SpaceAvailabable is not available for Database ‘[tempdb]’“.   Why I got this message? Most of the times, you might get the above message because something else happened prior to the action that triggered the error message. For example, … Read more…

Happy New Year 2020 from SQLNetHub!

Hi friends all around the world! Another year has gone by, incredibly fast, filled with many challenges, lots of creativity and much more! In a few hours, we are about to enter not only year 2020, but a whole new decade! I would like to personally thank you for choosing SQLNetHub as your source of … Read more…

There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter

When working with Inheritance in C#, under certain circumstances, you might get an error message similar to this: There is no argument given that corresponds to the required formal parameter. Don’t worry, the above error can be easily resolved. Let’s see a full example, by first reproducing the error.   Reproducing the Error Message Consider … Read more…

Essential SQL Server Administration Tips (Course Preview)

SQL Server is one of the world’s leading data platforms. It is a mature platform, full of features that enable you to store, organize, retrieve and transform your data into useful business insights and knowledge. Like in all Database Management Systems, in order for your SQL Server instances to operate to the best possible level … Read more…